General Archives - Crosspoint Church

THE CHURCH’S PURSUIT OF HEALTH: PART 4 By Matt Minto Regenerate church membership is a mark of a healthy church. What is it and why is it important for the health of the local church and its members? Nathan Rose said, “regeneration is the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit upon a spiritually...

The Church’s Pursuit of Health: Part 3 by Thomas Welch The church cares for the outside world by being ready to give unbelievers exactly what they need: the good news of Christ.  In John’s Gospel, we see how John faithfully evangelized through this writing but also explained God’s heart for those already saved. John...

The Church’s Pursuit of Health: Part 2 By Jason Finley, Lead Pastor of Equipping A healthy church is one “that increasingly reflects God‘s character as His character has been revealed in his Word.” (1) Today we are exploring the first characteristic of a healthy church: A healthy church feeds on the Word.   Nourishment Brings...

  The Church's Pursuit of Health: Part 1   By Jason Finley, Lead Pastor of Equipping What do you look for in a church? Would you say the ideal church is a place with: Moving, modern worship music? Or music performed by a well-rehearsed orchestra? Relevant sermons to your life? Or more “meaty” sermons...

The book of James is relatively straightforward. James, for the most part, builds upon some of the more logic-oriented parts of the New Testament by providing a “Guide for Life” template for his readers to follow.  However, the letter is not without its own challenging interpretive moments. ...

A New Purpose by Roy Scott As humans, we love to have control over the things that we do. We feel the need to have a plan.  Crosspoint covenant member, Jamie Paradeses, has always been an ambitious person.  But before being transformed by Christ, his ambition was more often bent toward personal...

A Vision to Plant by Joel Smith   The mission of Jesus Christ is to fill the earth with the knowledge of His glory made manifest through worshippers of His Name. (Mal. 1:11; Rev. 7:9-10)  By God’s grace, the Lord has used Crosspoint Church through the years to not only instruct our worship, but...

Saturday, January 15, 2022 Crosspoint Family, In light of the coming inclement weather, all services and activities have been cancelled for tomorrow Sunday, January 16. Prerecorded Worship Service In anticipation of the winter storm, a worship service was prerecorded today and will be made available on our website by early morning. Visit

by Will Jackson Financial generosity in the New Testament is not prescribed with a neat-and-tidy formula to follow.  For some of us, that can be frustrating. We want to be obedient to Jesus’ call to follow him, but we also want to know “the bottom line.” As we see so often in...