


Jason Elvington

College Minister



Our College ministry at Crosspoint Church seeks to make disciples of all people for God’s glory. We aim to accomplish this by connecting students in the surrounding area to the local church to be trained and mobilized as lifetime disciple-makers. We are comprised of students from Clemson University, Southern Wesleyan University, and Tri-County Technical College. We gather together for corporate worship on Sunday mornings, we meet regularly in Small Groups, we train through EQUIP Classes, and we advance the Gospel by sending students out on mission.


Our hope is to see college students become involved in community within the local church through Small Groups and discipleship. We desire that students would move through the membership process as we have a unique associate membership designed specifically for college students who desire to keep their membership at their home church while also being shepherded during the school year at Crosspoint. Then, as a member, we desire to see college students deepen their involvement in the church through serving regularly in one or several of our ministry areas.

Stay connected – Sign up here to stay updated on all college ministry activity! If you have any questions, please email us at


Small Groups

At Crosspoint, we believe fellowship encourages growth. One of Crosspoint’s avenue to pursue growth together is through Small Groups. Small Groups build gospel-centered community, Biblical fellowship, and is where you can find deep and meaningful relationships.



At Crosspoint we believe that sending advances the gospel. Matthew 28:18-19 states,  “And Jesus came and said to them, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’” We desire as a church to live out the mission that Christ has commanded in Matthew. We carry out this mission by equipping students to share the gospel and providing them opportunities to be obedient and go. These are opportunities include local, national, and international locations.



We encourage students to join in sharing the hope of Christ with their small group members. We are trusting God to see many come to faith in Christ this year through personal relationships.

Summer and Yearlong Residencies

We also have summer and yearlong mission opportunities through Generation LINK. Generation LINK offers two tracks: The Summer LINK track provides 6-10 week missions opportunities at our national and international Generation LINK locations. The Residency track provides yearlong internship opportunities at our national and international Generation LINK locations. 


As a college ministry we love having fun and hanging out. Whether informal hangouts, evangelism training nights, or weekend conferences, we have a variety of ways to get connected in a fun atmosphere. If you need a ride to our events, we’d love to help! Just email us at


Our Facebook page and Instagram will keep you up-to-date on all of our events: spontaneous and planned.


Ryan Heard

Director of Small Groups & Men’s EQUIP

Grad Students & Young Professionals

If you are a grad student or young professional living in the Clemson area, we would love for you to find meaningful community at Crosspoint. This is a growing demographic of our church and we’ve seen great fruit from grads and young professionals growing in Christ, developing deep relationships together, serving meaningfully at Crosspoint, and reaching the lost in our community. Our grads and young professionals frequently gather together for socials and outreaches.


Small Groups – We would love for you to find community in one of our small groups at Crosspoint Church. We offer several Grad Student/Young Professionals small groups as well as many multi-generational small groups, all of which can be found on our Small Groups page.


Stay Connected – No matter what small group you’re part of, you can always connect with fellow Grad Students & Young Professionals. Just email Ryan Heard at to get connected.


If you have any questions or are interested in learning more please email Ryan Heard at