By Cayce Finley ·  My 15-year old daughter wrote a paper for her English class last week. It was an essay answering, “What is your definition of a hero?” I sat beside her as she talked through her thoughts, jotted notes down on paper, and built the framework for her essay....

By Cayce Finley ·  Smiles filled the room during a recent Parent Roundtable as Crosspoint Church Student Minister Brock Bass displayed photos of technology from years past: a Sony Walkman, a Game Boy, a calculator watch — even a Speak & Spell. The photos of out-dated gadgets weren’t just for nostalgia’s sake...{position:relative;width:100%;height:0;padding-top:56.25%;}>iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;}   From Bible Stories to Saving Faith by Caycee Finley   Like many who grow up in the South, Rachel Jones’s childhood was full of Bible stories, church services, and family values. One thing it wasn’t full of—the gospel of Jesus Christ. In a small town 45 minutes north of Charlotte, North Carolina, Rachel...

Written by Cayce Finley During the first weekend of March, 421 people from 34 different churches (downing over 570 cups of coffee!) came together for the 10th annual Restore Conference. If you missed the conference or would like to view sessions you missed, all the keynote talks and breakout seminars are now...

Read: Psalm 1 John 2:12-17 Last Sunday, Pastor Ken preached the sermon “Resist Temptation,” from 1 Corinthians 10:1-14. This Sunday, he will preach from 1 John 2:12-17 on loving God and not the world. As you prepare your heart for our corporate gathering, let these words from Shane Barnard lead you...

With the recent tragic events that have taken place in Charlottesville, VA I want you to know where we stand as a church and as a part of The Southern Baptist Convention. We believe racism is antithetical to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. There are many reasons that...

Church Family, Since February, our elders have been evaluating our needs in Student Ministry and prayerfully considering candidates to become our next Student Minister. On behalf of the elders, I am pleased to announce that Brock Bass will be joining the Crosspoint staff in August as Student Minister. Brock has demonstrated a deep...