Last Sunday, Pastor Jason Finley closed our series in Revelation 2-3 with a sermon from Revelation 3:14-22 and pointed us to enjoy Christ. Read: Titus 1:1-3 This Sunday, Pastor Jeremy Chasteen will begin our new series: Titus: Displaying Grace in a Chaotic World, with a sermon from Titus 1:1-3. Jeremy will exhort...

Last Sunday, Ryan Heard preached from Revelation 3:7-13 and encouraged us to persevere with Christ’s power. Read: Revelation 3:14-22 This Sunday, Pastor Jason Finley will close our series in Revelation 2-3 with a sermon from Revelation 3:14-22. Jason will point us to enjoy Christ. As you prepare for our Sunday gathering, let...

Last Sunday, Ryan Heard preached from Revelation 3:1-6 and exhorted us to heed Jesus’ call to the church at Sardis to wake up and follow Christ. Read: Revelation 3:7-13 This Sunday Ryan Heard will continue with Jesus’ letter to the church in Philadelphia in Revelation 3:7-13 and encourage us to persevere with...

Last Sunday, Pastor Ken Lewis preached from Revelation 2:18-29 exhorted us to heed Jesus’ call to the church at Thyatira to not tolerate sin and false teaching among ourselves by clinging to God’s grace. Read: Revelation 3:1-6 This Sunday, Ryan Heard will preach from Revelation 3:1-6 and will exhort us to heed...

Last Sunday, Pastor Will Jackson preached from Revelation 2:12-17 and pointed us to the truth that we are our brother’s keeper. As the people of God, Jesus expects our collective faithfulness to His Word and calls us to restore one another to faithfulness when we fall away into sin. Read: Revelation...

Last Sunday, Pastor Will Jackson preached from Revelation 2:8-11 and encouraged us to embrace the trials of this life, for they are sovereignly used by God for the increase of our faith and godliness. Read: Revelation 2:12-17 This Sunday, Pastor Will Jackson will preach from Revelation 2:12-17 and will point us to...

Last Sunday, Pastor Jason Finley began our new series: Dear Church: A Study of Revelation 2-3, with a sermon from Revelation 2:1-7, entitled “Think Rightly, Love Brightly.” We considered the truth that while laboring hard for the Lord and passionately pursuing truth are vitally important for us, these must never...

Last Sunday, Pastor John Henschen closed our series in The Exalted Christ with the sermon: “The Judge,” from Matthew 25:31-46. We saw that certainty in the final judgment is found in Christ alone. Read: Revelation 2:1-7 This Sunday, Pastor Jason Finley will begin a new series: Dear Church: A Study of Revelation...

Last Sunday, Joel Smith preached from Matthew 26:57-68, and we considered the truth that Jesus Christ is the Ruler of All. Specifically, Jesus is the promised Son of Man from Daniel 7 and is the One who sits at the right hand of the Father in Psalm 110. Since Jesus...

Last Sunday, Ronnie Morris preached the sermon: “The Eternal King,” from Hebrews 1-2:4. We were encouraged to anchor our hope in the eternal King, Jesus, because He is greater than all others, has defeated our greatest enemy, and His righteous reign has no end. To anchor our hope in Him,...