Read: Romans 1:18-20 Last Sunday Chad Ferrell preached a message from Romans 1:13-17 on “The Power of God for Salvation” and asked us to consider three questions: 1) Are we eager to proclaim the gospel? 2) Are we unashamed of the gospel? 3) Are we living by faith? This Sunday, Pastor...

Read: Romans 1:1-6 Last Sunday Pastor Ken preached a message from Psalm 95 on true worship. This Sunday, he will begin our series in Romans with a message from Romans 1:1-6, entitled, “The Righteousness of God”. As you prepare your heart for our corporate gathering, let these words from Milton Vincent...

Read: Psalm 51 This Sunday Miguel Chavis, our Student Minister, will be preaching from Psalm 51, where we will consider the nature of true repentance as seen in the life of David. As you prepare your heart for our corporate gathering, let these sobering words from Milton Vincent aid you in...

Meditation for Preparation | Digesting the Word Read: Psalm 1 This Sunday we will begin our summer series through selected Psalms. Chad Ferrell will preach from Psalm 1, considering the way of the righteous in contrast to the way of the wicked. As you prepare your heart for our corporate gathering, let...

Read: Mark 15:21-16:8 Last Sunday Pastor Jeremy preached the message, “Jesus Is King,” from Mark 15:1-20. This Sunday Pastor Jason will close out our series of Mark: Who Do You Say that I Am?, as we consider Mark 15:21-16:8 together. As you prepare your heart for our corporate gathering, pray that the...

Read: Mark 15:1-20 Last Sunday Pastor Ken preached part two of the message, “Jesus is the Suffering Servant,” from Mark 14:43-72. We considered the fulfillment of Jesus’ prediction that his disciples would dissert him in Mark 14:26-31, as Judas betrayed him, the disciples fled during his arrest, and Peter explicitly and...

Read: Mark 14:1-11 Last Sunday Don Padgett preached an encouraging message from Genesis 1 on God’s creation of and ultimate purpose for mankind. Ultimately, God created us for his glory and has made a way for us to fulfill that purpose through the cross of Jesus Christ! This Sunday Pastor Ken...

Read: Mark 13:14-37 Last Sunday Pastor Jeremy preached from Mark 13:1-13 on the return of Christ and how it should drive us to proclaim the gospel to all people for God’s glory. This Sunday Pastor Ken will continue with this important subject in Mark 13:14-37. As you prepare your heart for...

Read: Mark 12:13-27 Last Sunday Pastor Ken preached on Jesus the Cornerstone from Mark 11:27-12:12. This Sunday he’ll be preaching from Mark 12:13-27, where Jesus addresses more of the religious leaders’ attempts to try and trap him in his words. As you prepare your heart for our corporate gathering, let these...

Read: Mark 11:27-12:12 Last Sunday Pastor Ken preached from Mark 11:1-25 on Jesus’ triumphal entry to Jerusalem and his cursing of the fig tree and temple. This Sunday we will celebrate Easter, as we behold Jesus the Cornerstone in Mark 11:27-12:12. As you prepare your heart for our corporate gathering, let...