Advent Sermon Series - Crosspoint Church

Churchwide Study Plan


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Show Study Plan

Sermon Series Introduction

The Gift of Eternal Life


In a season filled with gifts and celebration, Christmas reminds us of the greatest gift ever given—God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. 


As we exchange presents and enjoy traditions, it’s easy to lose sight of the profound truth at the heart of this season: God sent His Son into the world to rescue His people from sin and provide eternal life with Him.


This Christmas Sermon Series, The Gift of Eternal Life, will guide us through John 3, where Jesus unveils the gift of salvation in a conversation with Nicodemus and John the Baptist displays the gift through his conversation with other disciples.  


We will marvel at God’s eternal purpose in sending His Son to save sinners and celebrate together His glorious gift of eternal life for whoever believes in Him.


  • December 8 (John 3:1-8): As people lost in spiritual darkness, we’ll begin by exploring Jesus’ teaching on being “born again,” a work of the Spirit that brings us from spiritual death to life.


  • December 15 (John 3:9-15): Jesus points to His future sacrifice, explaining how the gift of eternal life comes not by our performance or religion, but only by faith in the Son of Man, who was lifted up for the world as was foretold in the Old Testament.


  • December 22 (John 3:16-21): At the heart of Christmas is God’s love demonstrated in the gift of His Son for people who, left to ourselves, are perishing and condemned. We’ll reflect on the light of Christ that overcomes darkness and the gift of salvation for all who believe.


  • December 29 (John 3:22-36): Finally, John the Baptist declares that eternal life belongs to those who receive Christ, reminding us of our call to exalt Him above all else.


Join us each Lord’s Day this December as we celebrate the greatest gift of all—eternal life through Jesus Christ. 



Other Gatherings this Christmas Season


A Service of Lessons and Carols | December 15, 2023, 5:00 PM


“Behold the Lamb” Christmas Concert | Friday, December 20, 2024, 7:00 PM


Christmas Eve Candlelight Service | December 24, 2023, 5:00 PM


Access all our sermon video, audio, and notes here. 


*Our holiday schedule of one service at 10:00 AM runs for four weeks from December 15, 2024 through January 5, 2025. We will resume two identical services at 9:00 and 11:00 AM on Sunday, January 12, 2025. 

CP Staff 20|21-49

Jason Finley | Lead Pastor for Equipping

Additional Resources

Click on each button below to download.





EQUIP: The Ninety-Eight Podcast

Listen to our podcast for additional helpful content.

Prince of Peace Sermon Resources

Access sermon video, audio, and notes here.

Christ’s Reign & the Church’s Birth

Access all our previous sermon video, audio, and notes here.