02 Jul Sermon Series Introduction: Dear Church (A Study of Revelation 2-3)
The book of Revelation is usually not the first…or second…or third book of the Bible most Christians turn to for inspiration and instruction in the Christian life. Many Christians leave Revelation for end-times fanatics and spend their energies elsewhere in the Bible.
But did you know that Revelation is a letter intended to be circulated among churches (1:11) to remind believers that Jesus loves and cares for us amidst our ongoing struggles (1:4, 5)?
We see four parts of the book of Revelation:
- Chapter 1 introduces us to a vision of the exalted Christ. John, who once reclined by Jesus comfortably as a friend (John 13:23) now falls down as though dead before the majesty of the triumphant king (Rev. 1:17).
- Chapters 2-3 record letters from the exalted Christ to seven churches located in modern-day Turkey. Jesus demonstrates his love and ongoing shepherding care for his church.
- Chapters 4-20 reveal Jesus’ defense of the church and the destruction of its enemies.
- Chapters 21-22 display the glorious consummation of Jesus’ redemptive work in the new creation. “And he who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’ Also he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true’” (Revelation 21:5).
Don’t let the vivid and colorful apocalyptic genre deter you. The message of the book is quite clear: the church of the Lord Jesus Christ will be kept through the spiritual war until Jesus returns to complete his glorious work of redemption (1:1-3). Jesus is the glorious, victorious King who will complete his redemptive work and usher in the total fulfillment of all God’s promises!
Over the next seven weeks, we’ll explore the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3.
With these saints before us, we’ll be comforted and corrected. We are hard-pressed by troubles in this present world. We are lured by sin within and trouble without. Jesus’ words to these seven churches are truly words to us today.
Inspired by Jesus’ faithfulness and love for his church, may Crosspoint Church display Christ’s glorious character as we fulfill our mission.
Join us Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM for our seven-week summer series, “Dear Church: A Study of Revelation 2-3.”
You can pick up a reading plan bookmark at Crosspoint or follow along below as you prepare for worship each week.
July 4, 2021 Revelation 2:1-7
July 11, 2021 Revelation 2:8-11
July 18, 2021 Revelation 2:12-17
July 25, 2021 Revelation 2:18-29
August 1, 2021 Revelation 3:1-6
August 8 , 2021 Revelation 3:7-13
August 15, 2021 Revelation 3:14-22
Access all our sermon video, audio, and notes here.