01 Apr Sermon Series Introduction: The Risen Christ
Beginning Easter Sunday and continuing for the following six weeks, we will be taking a look at the life of Christ after His history-changing resurrection. As we examine the Scriptures, we’ll discover the answer to questions such as:
- What did Jesus do after he walked out of the tomb?
- How did His disciples and others react to His appearance?
- Did Jesus fulfill the Old Testament prophecies?
- How did Jesus respond to His disciples who doubted?
- What can we learn from the resurrected Jesus about forgiveness, restoration, and comparison?
- What were the last words Jesus shared with his followers, and what does that mean for us today?
During his final days on earth before ascending into heaven, Jesus had work to do. While the work of salvation was already complete—“It is finished!”— Jesus would spend 40 days after the resurrection bringing clarity and offering instruction to his disciples as he prepared them for his departure.
We see him first appear to his disciples and show them how his death and resurrection fulfilled the Old Testament’s promises—He proved He is the long-awaited Messiah coming to rescue people from their sin.
Bolstered by this realization, the disciples were ready for their next assignment. But first, Jesus personally ministered to His disciple-friends in their place of need. Some He restored, others He encouraged, and some he comforted. But through it all, He entrusted them with the task of baptizing and teaching new disciples of all nations.
Jesus’s strengthening and sending disciples continues to this day through the gospel accounts of these resurrection appearances. As we meet Christ through the Scriptures in this series, I am confident He will strengthen our faith and propel us forward as disciples. Indeed, when we trust Him as Savior, this original commissioning is made personal for you and me (2 Cor 5:14-21; Eph 4:4-16).
Join us Sunday mornings at 9:00 and 11:00 am (in-person or online) for this study of The Risen Christ, a 7-week exploration of Jesus’s resurrection appearances.
Our sermon series schedule:
April 4 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
April 11 John 20:11-18
April 18 Luke 24:13-35
April 25 John 20:24-31
May 2 John 21:1-19
May 9 John 21:20-25
May 16 Acts 1:1-11
Access all our sermon videos, audio, and notes here.