18 Mar Phase 3 Regathering Guidelines and Policies
Crosspoint Family,
We have been so encouraged by your faithfulness during this extended season when many of us have experienced various challenges and fears in response to COVID-19. Our life as a church on mission carries on! Thank you for your prayers and support for our church’s leadership as we have worked to navigate the safest and wisest course of action this past year.
As you know, beginning in the summer of 2020, a re-entry task force consisting of elders, staff members, and church members was able to construct a plan for regathering our congregation in various stages. At every step of this process, the health and safety of Crosspoint’s members and the Clemson community has been the utmost concern. By God’s grace, we have been able to successfully move through Phases 1 & 2 of this plan while making necessary revisions along the way.
Beginning next Sunday, March 28, 2021 we will be moving to Phase 3 of this plan. As you will see in the list of updated guidelines below, the biggest change will be an increase of our seating capacity in our primary worship space.
• Masks – All persons 12 years and older will be required to wear cloth facemasks at all times. Disposable facemasks will be provided at check-in stations.
• Normal Seating Capacity – Following the easement of guidelines provided by state officials, we will resume normal capacity in our primary worship space.
• Social Distancing – When possible, parties will be encouraged to maintain appropriate social distancing from other parties already seated on a given row in the auditorium and when gathered in the foyer, hallways, etc.
• Health and Wellness – We ask that everyone ensure no member of their party has a temperature above 100.4 within 24 hours of worship attendance. Additionally, we ask that anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms worship remotely.
• Surface Sanitation – Preceding Sunday worship services each week third-party cleaners will ensure all common surfaces are properly disinfected.
In addition to these, our Kids Ministry will observe the following guidelines:
• Additional Classroom – In addition to our current nursery offerings, we will open a Sunday morning classroom for 3-year-olds at the 9 AM service.
• Registration – Sunday morning registration for Nursery and Kids Worship will be made available online by the afternoon on each preceding Monday.
• Wellness Checks – All volunteers and children will have their temperature taken at Kids check-in stations.
We understand many in our membership are eager to return to in-person worship services but do not feel comfortable or personally safe doing so at this time. As we are “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3), we want to comfort anyone who may feel guilty or embarrassed because of their conviction to worship-at-home for an extended period of time.
If not yet able to receive the COVID vaccine, Crosspoint recommends anyone with significant risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, pulmonary diseases, or chronic medical conditions in addition to anyone 65 years or older consider worshipping remotely during Phase 3.
If you are concerned you may have been recently exposed to COVID-19, we encourage you to follow the guidance provided by the CDC at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html.
Finally, if our elders or staff can serve you in any way, please let us know.
Lovingly in Christ,
Will Jackson
Executive Pastor | Crosspoint Church