22 Jan Devotion to the Word of God
Last Sunday, Pastor Jeremy Chasteen preached the sermon: “Entrusted with the Mission,” from 2 Timothy 1:13-14. Jeremy exhorted us to be fiercely devoted to know the gospel, follow the truth of the gospel, guard the gospel, and multiply the gospel.
Read: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5
This Sunday, Pastor Jason Finley will conclude the Entrusted series with the sermon: “Entrusted with the Scriptures,” from 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5. We will consider the vital truth that devotion to God’s trustworthy Word is the only way we can remain faithful to Christ. As you prepare your heart for our gathering, let these words from John MacArthur further your devotion and active obedience to God’s trustworthy Word.
Reflect: “Learning Truth”
“All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness” (2 Tim. 3:16).
Scripture is a manual of divine truth.
[2 Timothy 3:16] is Scripture’s most concise statement on its own power and purpose.
First, the Bible is profitable for teaching. The Greek word translated “teaching” refers more to content than to the process of teaching. Scripture is God’s manual of divine truth for patterning your thoughts and actions.
As a believer, you have the capacity to understand and respond to Scripture. That’s because the Holy Spirit indwells you and imparts spiritual discernment, wisdom, and understanding (1 John 2:27). You have “the mind of Christ” (1 Cor. 2:16).
But having the ability to understand spiritual truth doesn’t guarantee you’ll exercise that ability. God said to the Israelites through the prophet Hosea, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (4:6). His truth was available to them, but they ignored it and lived in disobedience.
I’ve heard many people lament that they could have avoided much grief if only they had known the Bible more thoroughly—if only they had taken the time to learn what God expected of them in a particular situation. Perhaps you’ve felt that way. The best way to avoid making that mistake in the future is to faithfully, prayerfully, patiently, and thoroughly saturate your mind with Biblical truth now, and then discipline yourself to live according to its principles. Now that’s the challenge of a lifetime, but it’s the only way to profit from Biblical teaching and to avoid unnecessary heartaches.
I pray that you will be encouraged today as you study God’s Word and diligently apply it to your life.
Suggestions for Prayer: Ask God to use the circumstances you face today to draw you closer to Him and to motivate you to dig deeper into His Word.
For Further Study: Read Exodus 24:1–8. What was the Israelites’ response to God’s Word? What is yours?
“Learning Truth,” October 27th Devotional, in Drawing Near—Daily Readings for a Deeper Faith, by John MacArthur.
Sing: Song List for Sunday
1. “A Mighty Fortress,” Arr. Matt Boswell
2. “Sing to Jesus,” Arr. Shane & Shane
3. “O Church Arise,” by Keith & Kristyn Getty