30 May Update on Regathering at Crosspoint Church
*Updated September 2, 2020*
Church Family,
We have been so encouraged by your faithfulness during this season when many of us have experienced various challenges and fear in response to COVID-19. Our life as a church on mission carries on! Thank you for your prayers and support for our church’s leadership as we have worked to facilitate digital means of worshiping and gathering in small groups.
Earlier in the summer, our re-entry task force constructed a terrific strategy for wisely resuming in-person worship services. This task force has consisted of elders, staff members, and church members bringing unique experience in logistics, planning, and medicine. At every step of this process, the health and safety of Crosspoint’s members and the Clemson community has been the utmost concern. Re-entry presents us all with a unique opportunity to exercise love for one another and love for our neighbor.
Church leadership has been and will continue monitoring the severity of COVID-19 on a national, state, and local level. Under the guidance from governing officials, we are currently operating in Phase 2b of our regathering plan,
Here are a few highlights of Phase 2b:
- Social Distancing – Chairs will be arranged in rows with several feet between each row and several inches between each chair. Parties will be encouraged to maintain appropriate social distancing from other parties already seated on a given row.
- Masks – All persons 12 years and older will be required to wear cloth facemasks at all times. Disposable facemasks will be provided at check-in stations.
- Increased Sanitation – Before, during, and after each service our staff, volunteers, and third-party cleaners will ensure all common surfaces are properly disinfected and that rooms are adequately ventilated.
- Limited Seating Capacity – Taking guidance from state officials, we will limit our worship spaces to approximately 50% of their normal capacity.
- Multiple Services – We will offer two identical service times at 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM. Additionally, online streaming will be made available for each of the listed services.
- Children – Children’s ministry activities will resume some time during Phase 2. This includes, but is not limited to, Sunday morning nursery and kid’s worship as well as Sunday evening Kid’s Connection. Online registration for each children’s ministry activity will be made available each week once activities resume.
- Additional Worship Spaces – To accommodate more worshippers, we will utilize two rooms in addition to the auditorium with a local livestream video.
- Additional Communal Space – All worshippers are encouraged, but not required, to enjoy the designated fellowship spaces in the parking lot following the service.
- Wellness Checks – We ask that everyone ensure no member of their party has a temperature above 100.4 within 24 hours of worship attendance.
We understand many in our membership are eager to return to in-person worship services but do not feel comfortable or personally safe doing so at this time. As we are “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3) we want to comfort anyone who may feel guilty or embarrassed because of their conviction to worship-at-home for an extended period of time.
Crosspoint recommends anyone with significant risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, pulmonary diseases, or chronic medical conditions in addition to anyone 65 years or older consider worshipping remotely during Phase 2.
If you are concerned you may have been recently exposed to COVID-19, we encourage you to follow the guidance provided by the CDC at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/faq.html.
If our elders or staff can serve you in any way, please let us know.
In Christ,
The Elders of Crosspoint Church