30 May God Will Not Quit
Last Sunday, Pastor Ken encouraged us from Galatians 5:16-26 with the truth that living by the Spirit empowers us to reject the desires of the flesh.
Read: Philippians 1:6
This Sunday, Pastor Jason Finley will preach an encouraging message from Philippians 1:6, pointing us to confidently trust in God’s person, purposes, and plans in uncertain times. As you prepare for Sunday worship, let these words from Timothy Lane and Paul Tripp reassure you that God is continuing his good work in you, even in your darkest moments.
Reflect: “God Will Not Quit”
No matter what you face today, you can be encouraged that God’s good work continues in your life, even when you don’t see it. God continues his work right in the middle of that tough situation at work, or with your teenager, or that battle with your weight, or your struggle with discouragement. God moves you forward as you submit yourself to him. His presence and faithful work give us confidence. As you have that tough conversation with a friend, you can say to yourself, Christ is working right now to complete what he started in me. As you struggle with your finances, you can say to your spouse, “We can get through this because Christ is working right now to complete what he has begun in us.” When it seems that you are in a losing battle with sin, you can say, I have hope for victory because Christ is working in me right now to complete what he has begun. This Christ-centered confidence moves us toward our ultimate goal, the thing for which we were made, the praise and glory of God (Philippians 1:11). Remember that as Paul writes to the Philippians, he is in prison, testing for himself the very truths he is so eager to have them understand!
Life is seldom simple. Growth in God’s grace is a process and not an event. Tough things are not going to turn around overnight because you have entrusted them to the Lord. The Bible is honest in its description of how grave and comprehensive our war with sin is. Individuals, friendships, churches, marriages, and neighborhoods don’t turn around in a moment. The Bible describes the Christian life as a journey that often takes us through the wilderness. You will get tired and confused. You will have moments when you wonder where God is. You will struggle to see God’s promises at work in your life. You will feel that following God has brought you more suffering than blessing. You will go through moments when it seems as if the principles of Scripture don’t work. It will sometimes seem as if the wrong side wins. There will be moments when you feel alone and misunderstood. There will be times when you feel like quitting.
This passage is meant to encourage you to be full of hope in the midst of things you don’t fully understand. You don’t have to figure everything out. You do need to know and trust the One who does understand, and who knows exactly what he is doing. Do you look at your life as Paul looked at the Philippians’ lives and his own? Do you live with Christ-centered confidence? Do you want what God wants for you, or do you hold tightly onto your own agenda?
God will not quit until every bit of his work is complete in each of his children. We can have courage and hope in any situation. God’s dream for us will come true.
Excerpt from How People Change, by Timothy S. Lane and Paul David Tripp
Sing: Song List for Sunday
1. “The Lord Our God,” by Passion
2. “Sovereign Over Us,” Arr. Shane & Shane
3. “In Christ Alone,” Arr. Passion