01 Apr April 1 Update
Hi Crosspoint,
Isn’t it good to know that even when we cannot be together, we are still a church family?
I’m thankful as I’ve heard testimony after testimony of our church walking in community even as we face separation and social distancing. We are still the church, we are still living daily on mission, and we are still following Jesus. We will not curl up in fear but will walk forward by faith.
Thank you for your continued witness, service, and engagement. Let’s keep it up!
A few things to note this week in the life of our church that we’ve captured in this video:
1) Politics and Christian Witness Webinar: Tomorrow night from 7:30 – 9:00 PM, Dr. Bruce Ashford will join us for a free Zoom webinar entitled “Politics and Christian Witness in a Secular Age.” You will better understand our cultural moment and how to engage from our Christian worldview. From high school students to older adults, all are welcome. Register online at our EQUIP page.
2) This Sunday: This Sunday, we will consider our light and momentary trials from 2 Corinthians 4:7-18. We’ll post our service on our app and media page by 9:00 AM for you to access when you’re ready to worship. Let’s participate together this Sunday to worship Christ in our homes.
3) Small Groups: Small groups are still in full effect, even though we’re not meeting in person. In fact, we have seen higher attendance in our groups in the last two weeks than we’ve seen all year! If you’re not a part of a small group, we want to get you connected. Don’t walk alone — sign up at our small groups page.
Let’s continue to serve Christ and pursue growth together until we gather again in person. Have a great week and don’t hesitate to call the church office or email us at connect@crosspointclemson.org if you have needs or desire prayer.
God bless you,
Pastor Jason