20 Mar COVID-19 Update: Live stream, Small Groups, and More
Church family,
There are a few things I am excited to communicate with you all, which are written below and recorded in this short video.
This Sunday at 10:00 AM we are going to begin live streaming our worship service on our media page. It will also be recorded and made available immediately following the broadcast on our media page and by 1:00 PM on our app.
We are excited to announce a new resource that we are putting together for our church family. Every Saturday we will be emailing out what we are calling “Weekly Worship Tools.” This resource will include four elements:
- A “Prepare for Worship” article
- The Sermon Notes
- A set of Sermon Discussion Questions
- A Daily Worship Guide (Monday through Friday)
This resource will be sent out via email and will also be available on the media page. It is our hope and prayer that this will be a helpful and useful resource for you all as you seek to connect meaningfully with the Lord in daily worship together.
We are living in uncertain times, and we are committed as a staff to continue caring for each and every one of our members in light of what is happening. We are in the process of activating our Small Groups with a new plan to connect meaningfully together online and meet various needs. College students, we are excited to welcome you back from Spring Break and are looking forward to new ways to foster community and growth.
If you are a member of Crosspoint and have not received an email containing access to the surveys referenced in the video, please let us know by emailing us at connect@crosspointclemson.org
On behalf of our elders, deacons, and staff, we love you. We want to help you continue worshipping the Lord in spirit and in truth and want to care for you as you have needs. We are all in this together.
In the joy of Christ,
Pastor Ken