11 Mar COVID-19 Update
March 11, 2020
Crosspoint Family,
On behalf of the elders and staff, I write to give a quick update in light of COVID-19.
As of now, worship and routine activities/ministries this Sunday remain on schedule. We are diligently monitoring the situation and will keep the church informed of any changes impacting us.
Please be mindful of others by elbow-covering your cough, washing your hands thoroughly and regularly, and greeting each other with alternate forms of the traditional handshake or hug. Over the next few Sundays, we are implementing extra efforts to clean pens, children’s toys, and common surfaces in our worship and learning spaces before and after each service.
If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, sneezing, etc.) we ask that you take an extra conservative approach to stay home. Additionally, we encourage you who are particularly vulnerable to the risk of COVID-19 to exercise wisdom and precaution to avoid crowds. Please let your church family know of your well-being so we can care for you.
As you know, our church is uniquely blessed with the opportunity of ministering to the collegiate community. Please join us in praying for guidance for local officials and the safety of all faculty, staff, and students connected to the colleges in our area.
Our Spring Break trips to Ann Arbor, Cuba, and Prague have been canceled. By the grace of God, we have been able to redirect all willing mission team members to serve in Charlotte alongside our youngest church plant, King’s Church. After much due diligence, our leaders are confident participants traveling to Charlotte will be safe and will bring great aid to the gospel work being carried out by Chad Ferrell, Heath Fulmer, and their team. Please join us in praying that God will bring much fruit from the harvest.
We are grieved to hear how this disease is bringing suffering and death throughout the world. As Christians, we certainly weep with those who weep. At the same time, against all hope we are able to look to Christ for peace. Christianity Today has said it well, “in these anxious days, the church can shine as a light of hope, care, faith, patience, and prudence, demonstrating for the world how our faith provides true assurance against worry and fear.”
In Christ,
Will Jackson
Director of Operations | Crosspoint Church