The Gospel Through God’s Power

Read: Romans 15:14-21

This week, Pastor Ken reminded us from Romans 15:14-21 that we in Christ are God’s servants who proclaim the gospel through His power, for His glory. As you meditate on the passage referenced above, read this passage from A Gospel Primer For Christians, and dwell on this immense power of God that He brings to life in this message of good news.

The Power of God

Outside of heaven, the power of God in its highest density is found inside the gospel. This must be so, for the Bible twice describes the gospel as “the power of God.” Nothing else in all of Scripture is ever described in this way, except for the Person of Jesus Christ. Such a description indicates that the gospel is not only powerful, but that it is the ultimate entity in which God’s power resides and does its greatest work.

Indeed, God’s power is seen in erupting volcanos, in the unimaginably hot boil of our massive sun, and in the lightning speed of a recently discovered star seen streaking through the heaven at 1.5 million miles per hour. Yet in Scripture such wonders are never labeled “the power of God.” How powerful, then, must the gospel be that it would merit such a title! And how great is the salvation it could accomplish in my life, if I would only embrace it by faith and give it a central place in my thoughts each day!

“The Power of God” in A Gospel Primer For Christians

 Song List for Sunday

1. “Life Defined,” by Shane Bernard

2. “His Mercy Is More,” by Matt Boswell

3. “Facing A Task Unfinished,” by Keith and Kristyn Getty

4. “Jesus Paid It All,” arr. by Kristian Stanfill
