The Greatest Prize

Read: 1 Timothy 6:17-19

Last Sunday, Ken preached from Romans 8:31-39 on the confidence and freedom that stem from the truth that God is working all things together for those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Rom. 8:28). This Sunday, Pastor Jeremy will preach from 1 Timothy 6:17-19 on what it means to be rich in God. As you prepare your heart for our corporate gathering, let these words from Milton Vincent move you to find your ultimate joy and rest in God himself.

Heart Preparation

In the New Testament, the gospel is several times referred to as “the gospel of God.” Such an expression should be understood in the fullest sense possible. The gospel is called “the gospel of God,” not simply because it is from God, nor merely because it is accomplished through God, but also because ultimately it leads me to God, who is Himself its greatest Prize. Indeed, what makes the gospel such great news is God, who brings me to Himself and then gives Himself so freely to me through Jesus Christ.

The essence of eternal life is not found in having my sins forgiven, in possessing a mansion in heaven, or in having streets of gold on which to walk forever. Rather, the essence of eternal life is intimately knowing God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent. Everything else that God gives to me in the gospel serves merely to bring me to Himself so that this great end might be achieved. Christ died for the forgiveness of my sins so that I might be brought “to God.” Christ is preparing a place for me in heaven so that He might receive me “to [Him] self” and have me forever with Him where He is. And yes, there is a great street of gold in heaven, but is there any doubt where the street leads? Unquestionably, it leads straight to the throne of God Himself, as do all of God’s gifts to me in the gospel.

As I meditate on the gospel each day, I find my thoughts inevitably traveling from the gifts I’ve received to the Giver of those gifts; and the more my thoughts are directed to Him, the more I experience the essence of eternal life. The “gospel of God” is from God, comes through God, and leads me to God; and it is in Him that my soul finds its truest joy and rest.

“The Ultimate Prize” in A Gospel Primer for Christians, by Milton Vincent

Song List for Sunday
1. “Angels We Have Heard On High,” Arr. by Chris Tomlin
2. “Exult In The Saviour’s Birth,” by Matt Boswell
3. “Cornerstone,” Arr. by Shane & Shane
4. “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” Arr. by Chris Tomlin
