Bible Immersion Huddles


This March, our aim is Bible immersion in pop-up men’s and women’s groups at various times throughout each week. With these groups, we’ll bolster accountability to read our Bibles by meeting together to read aloud several chapters in the Gospel of John, and pray for one another.


The Ninety-Eight Podcast


Because we spend 98% of our lives outside the walls of our church buildings, the aim of The Ninety-Eight Podcast is to help Christians think and live from an explicitly biblical worldview out in the world. We pray you are encouraged and edified in your walk with Christ through this podcast. Available on all major podcasting platforms. Click a button below or access the RSS link here.



Staff22 Jackson

Will Jackson

Equipping Pastor



EQUIP exists to assist the church in producing mature disciple-makers and to help participants apply scripture to every area of their lives. Through classes, nights, and forums, you will find an array of opportunities to be trained to think and live from an explicitly biblical worldview. Classes are taught by elders and members of Crosspoint Church and are open to anyone.

EQUIP Spring Semester 2024

Spring Mini-Conference

Amid a culture confused about gender and sexuality, how do we faithfully love others with the truth and compassion of Christ? Join us on April 13 for our Mini-EQUIP Conference: Loving Your Neighbor in a Confused Culture, where Dr. Mark Liederbach of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary will help us consider how to navigate cultural confusion with faithfulness and compassion, following Jesus’ example.


Evangelism Basics


Sundays in February | 10:30 AM


Jason Elvington and Malory Sanders will be teaching Evangelism Basics to help us grow as everyday missionaries. This class will address our motivations, strategies, and tools for sharing the gospel in our daily circles.


Register Here

Discipleship Basics


Sundays in February | 10:30 AM


Pastor John Henschen will be teaching Discipleship Basics where you’ll learn about personal growth strategies and ways to maximize time with other Christians in peer and mentoring relationships.


Register Here

Theology 2


Thursdays 8am – 12:30pm

January 23, 30, February 6, 20, 27, March 6, 27, April 3, 10


This class will examine five key doctrines of the Christian faith: Christ, Holy Spirit, Salvation, the Church, and End Times.


Email Will Jackson to sign-up.

Baptist History


Mondays 9am-5pm

January 27, February 10, 24, March 10, 24, 31, April 14, May 5


Learn more about the lineage of the Baptist tradition throughout church history and sharpen your understanding of Baptist distinctives.


Email Will Jackson to sign-up.

Men’s Bible Immersion Huddles


Sundays, Weekday Mornings, Week Nights



This March, our aim is Bible immersion in pop-up men’s groups at various times throughout each week. With these groups, we’ll bolster accountability to read our Bibles by meeting together to read aloud several chapters in the Gospel of John, and pray for one another.


Register Here

Women’s Bible Immersion Huddles


Sundays, Weekday Mornings, Wednesday Mornings, Week Nights



This March, our aim is Bible immersion in pop-up women’s groups at various times throughout each week. With these groups, we’ll bolster accountability to read our Bibles by meeting together to read aloud several chapters in the Gospel of John, and pray for one another.


Register Here

Summer 2021


Access the media from our Summer Equip Night called “Overcoming the Fear of Man.” Our fear of the opinions of others reveals that we may struggle to fear who God is, and the only way to overcome this fear is to grow in our healthy fear of the Lord and delight in Him!

Additional Resources

Click below to access Crosspoint’s online bookstore to purchase books, devotionals, study materials, and more.