Remember His Benefits

This past Sunday, Ronnie Morris preached from Psalm 95, and our congregation was spurred on to worship the Lord in community, in joyful celebration, in submission to God, and in obedience to Him.

Read: Psalm 103

This coming Lord’s Day, Pastor Ken will continue our series in the Psalms with Psalm 103. He will invite us remember God’s steadfast love in practicing worship as a spiritual discipline. We will be encouraged from this Psalm to call ourselves to worship God by remembering all of His benefits to us. As you read this Psalm, let this devotional by Timothy Keller cause you to ponder what God has done anew as you seek to worship Him.

Heart Preparation

Praying The Gospel [Psalm 103:1-5].

Here is how to work the Gospel into one’s own heart until it transforms. It happens through inward dialogue, speaking directly and forcefully to your own heart (“my soul”) rather than just listening to it. Biblical meditation, unlike the popular varieties, is not a relaxation technique for emptying the mind but rather one that fills it with truth, using thought and memory to set your heart on fire. Here David dwells on the truth that God forgives sin and eventually will remove all suffering and diseases. When we ask, we get forgiveness now (1 John 1:8-9), but we may not get suffering removed now (2 Corinthians 12:8-9; 2 Samuel 12:13-23). That is because while sin always blocks our relationship with God, suffering can deepen it.

Prayer: Lord, I confess how much of my fear, anger, anxiety, and discouragement is wholly due to my forgetting your benefits, forgetting all you’ve given me and promised me in Christ. My mind knows but my heart forgets I’m forgiven, delighted in, guaranteed a crown, a feast. Forgive me, and help me speak to my soul until strength is renewed. Amen.

The Songs of Jesus (9/10) by Timothy Keller

Song List for Sunday

1.“Exalted Over All,” by Vertical Worship

2.“The Passion,” by Hillsong Music

3.“The Love of God,” arr. by Mercy Me

4.“The Depths of Your Love,” by Ronnie Morris

5.“10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord),” by Matt Redman

Follow our “Sunday Morning Setlist” on Spotify.
